Located in The Shoppes at the Village Center

       - home of Lakeside's WME Village 8 Theaters

1477 W White Mountain Blvd, Suite 3
Lakeside, AZ 85929

CALL/TEXT  928.821.6878

Abundant Life Well-Being

Sessions combining two or more therapies create synergistic changes for faster and more profound changes. Many of the therapies listed on this page are commonly added in small part within a standard acupuncture or bodywork session with Lea. When you specify an Integrated combination of your chosen therapies, we can plan for the time needed for each therapy to ensure the best synergistic effect with your unique customized session.

You can combine hypnosis with acupuncture, hypnosis with your bodywork session, acupuncture with any bodywork option, Reiki with your acupuncture or bodywork, or achieve Nirvana with the integration of three services such as Reiki-Hypnosis-Acupuncture.

You are, of course, welcome to request your own unique integrative combining any of the services listed on our Services page.

​​Synergistic Integrated Therapy Sessions