Located in The Shoppes at the Village Center

       - home of Lakeside's WME Village 8 Theaters

1477 W White Mountain Blvd, Suite 3
Lakeside, AZ 85929

CALL/TEXT  928.821.6878

Abundant Life Well-Being

We'll start face down:

Guided Chakra Breath Meditation

Identify Chakra for focus

Chakra-specific Aromatherapy

Back-Shoulder-Neck Massage

Reiki (with body chakra crystal(s)?)



Mini-Chakra-Balance-Acupuncture (optional)

Scalp-facial massage

Crystal facial grid to clear mind and release anxiety/worry


Tibetan Singing Bowl

Foot/Lower-Leg Reflexology along with guided meditation (if you're not asleep by this point :-)

Chakra Balance Ritual

Chakra Balance Ritual

A meditative multi-sensory multi-modal experience pairing gentle massage, Reiki, sound, aromatherapy, crystals and acupuncture (optional) to de-stress and balance your energy body. The session starts with Chakra-balancing music and a centering Guided Meditation, identifying the chakra for focused Aromatherapy with a back-shoulder-neck-head massage for further grounding. Reiki-Ho’oponopono Energy Work with Crystals and an option for chakra-balancing acupuncture is followed by Tibetan Singing Bowl Vibratory Sound Therapy and a finale of Reflexology with guided chakra-focused meditation (if you haven’t already floated off to sleep).  (80 min)